A Creator Connection

#growmeastory cardinal john henry newman Mar 04, 2024

By Paul Roberts

One of the things I have enjoyed about this Grow Me a Story creative adventure that Carol and I have been pursuing the last few years is the simple, every day way that I am reminded of my relationship with my Creator…if only I will take the time to be aware of that relationship.

My childhood was full of opportunities to engage with the concept of God. As a pastor’s kid - and grandkid - my weekly schedule included Sunday school, a Sunday morning worship service, Sunday evening worship service, Wednesday evening service, later a Saturday youth service, along with the occasional “special service” when an evangelist or two came to town. Those weekly events taught me about the Creator, but I’ve experienced moments outside of the church walls that have taught me more. 

There is a sweet picture in my mind of “the boys” sitting on the couch with Dad on school mornings, listening to him read a portion of scripture for our morning devotions. A particularly churchy phrase. My little boy recollection sees me, Kent, and Kevin all in our pajamas, the living room lit only by a lamp on the end table. I can hear the soft sounds of Mom getting breakfast ready in the kitchen, while Dad’s gentle voice intones the words from his big black leatherbound Bible. 

The best seat was to Dad’s left, in between him and the arm of the couch. He was warm. I could wrap both of my arms around his arm, and still leave one hand free enough to toy with the watch on his wrist. If my eyelids grew heavy, somehow he knew, and I’d feel a gentle nudge from his elbow, or hear the sound of the parchment page being turned, waking me once again. Dad would continue reading a few more moments, then Mom would call us to the table.  

I really don’t think we did that for very long. Keeping three bleary-eyed boys awake through that probably seemed like an exercise in futility, but the feeling of safety and love that it left with me clearly remains to today. 

Those few, distant memories are precious to me. I have a lifetime of memories about church services I attended, and many of them were certainly life changing. However, looking back at this journey of mine from this end of time, I’m not sure any of the sermons I heard told me more about the importance of my relationship with my Creator than those few morning moments being fed by Dad, then fed by Mom, just enough to make it through the day.

Lead, Kindly Light, amid the circling gloom,

      Lead Thou me on!

The night is dark, and I am far from home-

      Lead Thou me on!

Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see

The distant scene, -one step enough for me.

I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou

      Shouldst lead me on!

I loved to choose and see my path; but now

      Lead Thou me on! 

                                          Cardinal John Henry Newman   


Be open to connecting with The Creator, God, the spiritual side of creativity.  The Creator of the Universe wants to connect with you and birth a creation through you.  But you need to stop and listen and let the work be created.

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