Paul's Grapevine Update

creative gardens grapevine Aug 12, 2024

By Paul Roberts

Time for a grapevine update. In case you missed my June 11th blog, read the pertinent paragraphs below:

It has been an unusual year in my backyard garden. There are several shrubs that didn’t weather very well this winter, and I recently spent some time pruning back a great deal of the dead branches, trying to re-shape the plants into something pleasing to the eye. That process is going to continue, a bit this summer, and likely even more this fall.

My three year old grape vine seemed the hardest hit. I told Carol six weeks ago that it had not survived, and as of late last week it was showing no sign of green buds. I was resisting the urge to dig it up, cast it aside, and purchase a new plant in its place. Imagine my joy, my pleasure, when Carol pointed out to me on Sunday afternoon the bright green leaves bursting from my “dead” grapevine.

Here’s the picture that accompanied my June blog.

Take a look at her now! My grapevine has outgrown her space, and required some extra lattice work at the top to keep the tendrils from dipping back down to Carol’s tomato plants. Grow baby grow!

Someone is bound to ask about how much fruit she’s putting out. I suppose I could be disappointed in the single cluster of grapes, but, apparently, there’s always next year! 


Any garden harvest tales to tell? Go ahead and brag! Maybe we can give an award for the biggest zucchini. 

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