A Brief Birthday Wish

4th of july carol woolum roberts hiawatha trail weekly awareness Jul 06, 2023

By Paul Roberts 

Happy Birthday Carol!

And, while I am at it, I’ll throw in a happy birthday to our nation, too. 

As I write this, it is early in the morning, July 3rd, 2023, 60 years since my favorite girl was born here in this sleepy little corner of the world. Cleo and I are the only ones awake; Carol is snuggled all warm in her bed, while visions of fireworks dance in her head. The rest of the house rests as well: Zoe in Carol’s office, my mother in my office, Cosette, Taylor, Saphire, and three dogs in one basement bedroom, Jason in another. 

It won’t be long before the bustle of this birthday season begins again. The bustle has been going since last Friday when the guests arrived, and will continue for a few more days. It is wonderful to have a house bursting at the seams with laughter and love, but it’s also nice to have a brief respite from it all in the mornings. I enjoy the time to think about the day and prepare for what’s in store - today, it is a moonlight trip down the Hiawatha Bike Trail.

So, in order to prepare, I’m sharing with my blog readers a brief birthday wish. Here’s hoping that your celebration of our nation’s birthday - and Carol’s birthday as well - is safe and joyous. Be sure to squeeze in some quiet time for yourself with a Weekly Awareness walk or two.


What do you do to celebrate the 4th of July? Any traditions for your family and friends on this holiday?

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