A Love Affair

signs of spring spring has arrived spring poetry Mar 20, 2023

By Paul Roberts

Spring is here! My love affair with this season can officially begin!

Hold on. Let me double check that.

Well. As Arte Johnson used to say, “Veeerrry interesting.”

Turns out that as I am typing this on Monday, March 20, at 1:26 p.m. PDT, it is not spring yet. Officially, spring doesn’t begin until 2:24 p.m. in the Coeur d’Alene region of North Idaho. But by the time you read this we will be well into the spring of the year, so go ahead and celebrate. I’m going to.

While I’m at it - celebrating spring, that is - are we supposed to capitalize the seasons? I actually had to take a moment and look that up for this blog. I could make the argument in my head that summer, fall, and winter did not need to be capitalized, but for some reason I really wanted to throw a big Superman sized capital “s” onto the page for this heroic second season of the year.

For those of you who care, the correct answer is that as “common nouns,” the seasons are not capitalized…eeexceept, perhaps, in poetic language when, say, I want to personify spring.

Oh, Spring, you’ve sprung

To the songs on my tongue

Riding forth

You’ve sent winter north.

Hah. Take that winter. I intentionally left you poetically lower case. Begone! You were beautiful when you arrived, and I loved you, all white and frozen, but soon you were decked out in garish green and red lights, incessantly singing your carols, and lately you’ve been just a dirty gray lump of frozen ice, you…you…you winter you.

I break with thee, I break with thee, I break with thee.

Oh, Spring, so new

I sing of you

And dance barefoot 

in Your morning dew.


Whoa. Hooo. Spring. You gotta raise the temperature on that morning dew.


Sing a song of Spring! Share some springtime poetry or song lyrics with us, original or a favorite by another writer. It’s spring!

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