A Musing Night

arsenic and old lace carol muse Nov 20, 2023

By Paul Roberts

What a weekend! We finished off the final three shows of Arsenic and Old Lace, followed the final performance with some striking of the set, then enjoyed a few hours at our cast party. Definitely one of my favorite ensemble casts I have ever worked with.

But now it’s late Monday afternoon, the sore throat that developed last night is getting progressively worse (in spite of two naps today), I am scheduled to attend a Christmas show rehearsal this evening, and I haven’t any ideas for my blog. Hmmm. Is it time to call on a Muse?

If you didn’t read my blog last week (An Amusing Morning), you might want to go check it out. I don’t have any nine-sided dice yet, but Saphire picked a number between 1 and 9 for me, so at this point, I am committed: muse number six on my list is Erato, the muse of erotic or love poetry.


Erato #1

Two lips, they sang so sweet to me

Each time she called my name.

Tulips, some say, are beautiful 

But hers put those to shame.

So long ago, so ruby red,

Two lips first beckoned me;

Her lips met mine on that first time,

Beneath the canopy.

Two lips, sweet lips, her lips, met mine

As we stood upon the stair.

We shivered and we trembled

In the summer evening air.

And now, in spite of decades that have

Somehow quickly passed,

The first kiss, still it stays with me;

But it will not be the last.


This “Muse” idea is challenging. Choose a number between 1 and 9, look back at my “An Amusing Morning” blog post, then write. You can choose to share it or not. 

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