A Story Revisited

creativity grow your creativity camp mountain view congregational church stained glass cross story telling the creator connection the united church of kellogg Jul 14, 2022

By Carol Woolum Roberts


This week we have eight 10-14 year old students at our Grow Your Creativity Camp.  We are doing a variety of activities based on our Five Ways to Cultivate a Creative Life.

One of these is the Creator Connection.  Yesterday we had the campers go into the sanctuary at our church to look at the beautiful stained-glass cross in the back of the room

I was about the age of our oldest campers when this stained-glass cross was installed in the back of our church, in memory of the son of two of our church members who passed away soon after he graduated from high school.

I have looked at this cross off and on for almost 45 years.

Each Sunday morning, I help on the worship team in church I look at this cross.

But I haven’t every REALLY looked at it, pane by pane, to see exactly what stories were being told in each individual pane of this stained-glass story.

Here are some of the notes I wrote based on looking at the cross.

I love how the colors weave their way through the panels.  The red, the yellow, the blue, the purple, the white.

The Holy Spirit came down like a dove and flames of fire, and the Holy Spirit filled the Believers on Pentecost.

Jesus ascended into Heaven.

At the tomb, the stone was rolled away.

Jesus performed many miracles, like feeding more than 5,000 people two different times with a few fish and a few loaves of bread.

Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph are in the manger, surrounded by the shepherds that came to worship the newborn king.

The Three Kings traveled from afar to worship Jesus.  They followed the star.

I want to try and draw this and color what a beautiful story is told in the panels of this cross.  I have never looked carefully at each individual panel before to see all the man stories that are told in this one cross.


Look at the photo of the cross.  What story is the cross telling you?

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