A Very Doggy Christmas

christmas dog celebration dogs pets puppies talking dogs Dec 27, 2021

By Paul Roberts

Well, that was a very doggy Christmas.

Of course, any Christmas with a puppy in the house guarantees that the residents will have a very doggy Christmas, but in our case just ask Sadie, our 16 year old Pomeranian. She’ll have a story or two to tell you, and she’ll do so in her own unique manner, sounding a bit like Molly, a bit like Zoe, and a bit like Carol, but always with a distinctly Sadie voice and attitude.

In our house, all animals talk.

So, on the eve of Christmas eve, when our puppy Cleo invited Riley and Gibbs to a Snow Dog Party at our house, the conversation fairly flew around the room, with Aunt Christy interpreting for her Riley and Aunt Debbie speaking for her Gibbs, while Cleo and Sadie did their best to fill in any silence with a bit of help from Carol, Molly and Zoe. Uncle Bill and I just sat back and enjoyed the doggy repartee. Everyone had a great time with the paw print crafts activity that Gibbs brought, sniffs and presents were exchanged, and every dog enjoyed the homemade doggy biscuits. As did Paul.

For anyone concerned that I left out daughter Cosette and her ability to translate canine verbiage…fret not!

Cosette, Taylor, and Saphire arrived the day after Christmas with their very well trained, well-behaved, potty-trained dog Sweetie in tow, along with two 12 week old foster pups, Marley and Maven, who (like Cleo) are not so very well trained and well behaved, which just made things all the more exciting. Just ask Sadie. She’ll answer.

And don’t worry Riley, Sadie already ordered the prime rib for New Years.

How did you celebrate Christmas with your pets?  Let us know in the comments below.  

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