Aaaah. August.

august vacation white board calendar Jul 31, 2023

By Paul Roberts 

Aaaah. August. 

No, don’t read that first word with an exclamation point. I intended it to sound like a sigh of relief. My last blog post was two weeks ago. Monday is my deadline for blog posts, and July has had five Mondays. l have missed my deadline twice this month, so the beginning of a new month is just what I need. I think August sometimes gets a bad rap here in the northern hemisphere, with all the heat and the end of summer vacations. But I’m looking forward to it.

Carol filled out our large white board calendar in the hallway this morning. It is so big I couldn’t get Sunday in the photo. I know the calendar will continue to fill up with a wide variety of activities, but after experiencing what seemed like one of the longest months of my life, chock full of time consuming days, I am drooling in anticipation of five consecutive Friday mornings on the August calendar dedicated to writing. Five weeks in a row where I get to have a couple of hours of quiet solitude with my sweetheart, huddled over my computer and a morning cup of coffee.  


“Would you like that hot or iced, sir?” 

“Hm. Perhaps I’ll have one of each.”

“Excellent choice sir.”


It’s on the calendar. Nothing changes once it is on the calendar. Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night…and all that. 

During July, my sowing seeds journal time slowed to a dribble; my morning non-fiction reading routine has fared no better; my podcast…I do a podcast???

But August is imminent, and writing time is on the calendar. You want to know how that makes me feel?


 Birds flying high, you know how I feel

Sun in the sky, you know how I feel

Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel

It's a new dawn, it's a new day,

It's a new life for me...

And feeling good.


What’s your August going to be like? Are you entering the dog days of summer? Vacation days are coming? Let’s catch up with each other. 

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