And It's April

calliope euterpe national poetry month terpsichore Apr 08, 2024

By Paul Roberts

Monday blogging time. Let’s begin with a little bit of research and see where it leads…

Calliope - muse of epic poetry     Euterpe - muse of lyric poetry - rejoicing well; delight; giver of delight, to ancient poets    Terpsichore - terpsichorean melody - patron of lyric poetry    April - National Poetry month Aprilis - Latin aperire - to open, as a flower in spring


The clouds of my valley do their work today

Bumping across a sky so gray,

Dripping and dropping some love each hour

Sending new life to my backyard bower.

My linden and beech from winter are waking,

Willow and crabapple buds are breaking

Into new life while forsythia lifts yellowing

Blooms as springtime gifts.

A calliope of blossoms, nature’s gift for me

When sunrays write backyard poetry.

And it’s April.

I’m sure Carol can find a picture or two for this blog post. Time for me and Cleo to head outside.


Take a picture, make a picture, share a picture of Spring. 

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