Faithful in the Wait

#growmeastory faithful in the wait faithfulness mantra patience self-control Nov 09, 2022

By Carol Woolum Roberts

As I sit on the loveseat in my office each morning, I find myself looking at my Vision Board from last January.  The one phrase that always stands out to me is "Faithful in the Wait".

It has become a bit of a mantra for my life this past year.

I feel like I was waiting for many things.

One was the Grow Me A Story business. 

First, I waited to have people sign up for our newsletter email list.

Then, I waited for people to sign up for our membership community.

In the summer, I waited for people to sign up for day retreats, kid’s camps, and storytelling in the garden.

I waited for people to download episodes of our podcast.

I waited for time to talk to Paul about what direction our business should go.

I waited on God as I prayed for guidance.

I waited for people to read my blog posts and see if they responded by leaving a comment.

The waiting has been good.

The waiting has taught me patience.  The waiting has taught me faithfulness.  The waiting has taught me self-control.

All pretty good attributes if you ask me.

The waiting is not over.  There are so many questions I ask, and I am waiting for the answers.

There are so many ideas I want to try.

There are so many places I want to visit.

There are so many creative experiences I want to try.

I must be faithful in the wait.



What is happening in your life that you find yourself being faithful in the wait?

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