Feeling the Summer Vibes

creative group summer summer reading summer vibes Jun 07, 2023

By Carol Woolum Roberts

Even though summer doesn’t officially begin for two weeks, I am definitely feeling a summer vibe.

School is out in all schools in the valley.

Since I was a kid, summer started when school was out.

Last Monday I met with my Artist’s Way Creativity Group hosted by my friend Vicki, and the theme was “Summer Camp”.  We ate Frito pies, where you take a bag of Fritos Corn Chips, open them up, and add chili, cheese, sour cream and other goodies to make a delicious treat.  We had ice cream bars for dessert.

For our writing prompt we each picked a pen that was a certain color.  Then we had five minutes to make a list of words of items that had something to do with summer and were that color.  I had an easy color…yellow.  I came up with lots of yellow, summer-themed items.

Then we wrote for another five minutes about summer, and we could use from one to five of our senses to describe summer. 

We also made some summer-themed bookmarks to use in our summer reading books.  I want to use mine to remind me to “be free”, “enjoy the simple things in life”, and “take your time”. 

These exercises really got me in the summer mood.

I went and got a few more flowers to plant in pots and in my garden today.

The backyard looks so good with flowers blooming, vegetables growing bigger every day, and the weather has been mild the past two weeks.

Now the trick is to slow down enough to really enjoy it!


What are some things you have experienced lately that have put you in a summer mood?

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