For Molly: Parenting Poetry

dads and daughters first born newborn poetic images poetry Mar 15, 2022

Since no one that reads my blog has complained yet about me writing about the wonderful women in my life (surely, someone out there is reading this stuff), I’ve decided that I’ll continue using this space as a chance to share some of my past poetry once a month. With three beautiful daughters, that will take me through the month of May, and it gives me a chance to stroll down the memory lane of my writing and my recollections of being a father.

 Molly Jessica, our eldest, is now 31 years old. My memory says I wrote this the year she graduated from high school. The first child reaches those types of milestones that seem so significant at the time. I so enjoy the adult relationship we have with each one of our children, but the poem was prompted by a thought that came to me then, and stays with me to today: No matter how old my daughters get, they will always be my daughters. 

Carol will find some cool pictures to put with this blog post, I’m sure. But none that will be clearer for me than the images in this poem.


                                    For Molly

 I close my eyes to see that day once more

When your first breath took mine so quick away,

When your sweet face that now I still adore

Was new to earth as dawn’s bright morning ray.

I close my eyes to see that day again

When first your lips did call with joy to me,

When breathlessly you ran to me and then

Held court enthroned so sweetly on my knee.

I close my eyes and fear the day will come

When Time insists I loose my fathering hold

And, beautiful in all you have become

You step away to reach for dreams untold.

     Walk where you will and know I’ll always see

     The gift you’ve been, will always be, to me.




Parent/child relationships can contain some powerful emotions and memories. Can you use those emotions and memories as a starting point for a creative project of your own?

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