Have You Been Thinking About Your Vision for 2024?

2024 national vision board day word of the year Dec 27, 2023


By Carol Woolum Roberts


Christmas has now come and gone, and now it is time to start thinking about the new year.  I love how we start a new year on January 1, a time for new beginnings.

One of the things I have done for many years, to help steer the upcoming year, is pick a word for the new year.  The last two years I have also picked a color.

This year, I think I am just going with the word.  It is a strong word. I came up with it during my “Spa Day” earlier this month.  It has stayed with me.

Instead of lots of areas and ideas, I want to focus on some specific things I want to accomplish regarding this word.

I am still going to make a vision board, and hopefully some of you will join Paul and I to talk about your own word and vision board sometime in January.

I was very disappointed in myself with my use of my vision board for 2023.  I think I made it too complicated, and it wasn’t very user friendly, so I didn’t use it to guide my life.

Part of my vision for my word and my vision for next year is actually using it to help me throughout the year.

Start thinking about a word and putting together a board, and hopefully some of you will share with us what you have come up with.



Have you started thinking about a word or a vision for 2024?  I encourage you to start brainstorming words, phrases, colors, or whatever else you might find helpful to guide you through 2024.


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