Inner Space

inner monologue sowing seeds May 06, 2024

By Paul Roberts

Carol and I were recently in a conversation with our oldest daughter Molly about the human propensity for engaging in an “inner monologue.” Apparently, there are people that don’t talk to themselves, either in their heads or out loud, which the three of us found rather bizarre and difficult to believe. All three of us feel like we spend a lot of time “in our heads.” Personally, I think I may spend more time talking to myself than to anyone else, especially since I include my morning “sowing seeds” journal as part of that inner monologue.

Not that I expect most people to have the kind of conversation I was having with the guy inside my earlier head this morning. I try to check in with him regularly...  

“How are you doing?”

“I’m doing well.”

“By that do you mean healthy, sound, wholesome, robust, hale, or simply…well?”

“Well, I -”

“Bloody? Damn? Alive and?”


“As well as, or well-off?”

“It might be well for you to stop it.”

“All’s well that ends well?”

“Where is this coming from?”

“You’re wondering about the source, the origin, the well-spring of these thoughts?”

“Well, yeah…and I think you’d do well to stop it.

“Well said.”

“Can we start this conversation over again?”

“Well…certainly. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing…good.”

“Not something a well-spoken, grammatically correct person would say, but I get your drift.”


Please, feel free to share some of your inner monologue, if you have had one recently. It just may give me someone else to talk to.

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