It's Summertime

Jul 11, 2023

By Paul Roberts

It’s summertime

And the life of ease

Promised by the sweltering song

Has melted away

like a candle too long by the fire, or

sweet ice cream escaped from the cone

Onto the gritty sidewalk.



And the living

Things in my garden are

Thirsty for more than a morning gulp

From my well that never runs dry.

So I walk at sunset my morning trail

With my bright blue watering can

Bringing life to the yellowredpurplepinkwhite

Blossoms living easy in my Eden.


I am Adam and my Eve picks our raspberries,

tempts me with the the fruit as she takes them

Into the house and readies them for cool

sweet cream.


Summertime and

living isn’t always easy

But a garden retreat

beats the heat, 

Along with the pleasant evening breeze.


Time for some playful poetry, since my schedule and the summer heat has me wondering when life will slow down. What do you do to beat the summer heat?

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