Just Putting Pen to Paper

#growmeastory clement clark moore poetry month Dec 06, 2022

‘Twas the fifth of December, at four forty-three,

The afternoon chores were all finished you see,

And I sat at my desk with one thing left to do,

To write a brief blog and then send it to you.

But ideas were nowhere to be found, you could say,

Or perhaps all the plum ones just kept dancing away.

I grow quite reflective in times such as these

I ponder, and wonder with a great deal of ease

Making time pass quite quickly at this tail end of autumn

And I know that good blogging ideas: I don’t got ‘em.

Then I looked back at some of my blogs this past year

And said to myself “You have nothing to fear.

It never has mattered when you’ve run out of time;

You sit down and you write and then out comes a rhyme.”

Then memories flowed back to when I was young

And words on a page were like ornaments, hung

Like decorations I could stare at for hours,

But I understood with my new reading powers

There was meaning inside them, inside of these marks

And the sounds and ideas jumped about like sparks.

These ideas made pictures appear in my head,

Some happy, some funny, and some full of dread,

But I took them all with me when I laid down in bed

Where I read

And I read

And I read

And I read.

Now my deadline is here; it’s no shock I suppose

That I chose to write poetry instead of prose.

When I’m stuck, out of luck, in a pinch for thought

My mind turns to poetry, rhyming or not.

I smile, and I laugh, maybe even give a whistle

As words float in my mind like the down of a thistle.  


Write some poetry this Christmas. It's the most wonderful time of the year for it. 

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