Losing My Cover

darkness light spring walking winter Mar 08, 2023

By Carol Woolum Roberts

As I returned from my early morning walk with Cleo on Tuesday morning, I realized I missed something.

I missed the dark.

I have started to grow fond of the darkness and the hush of the quiet winter mornings when Cleo and I walk around the Silver Mountain Resort.  It is a somewhat private place to walk. This is the first winter my friend Nikki and I have walked around the resort throughout winter.

I have come to love the cover of the early morning dark skies.

Tuesday morning I took Cleo for her morning walk.  We were on our own, as Nikki was out of town.  It was light out when we left home.  There is still a little snow,

Not the new, freshly-fallen snow.

Not the "there’s a kind of hush all over the world" snow.

It is end of season snow.

Those early, dark mornings were comforting to me, and I felt safe.

The light makes me feel exposed.

It makes me feel like everyone can see me.

Most people probably welcome the light of a March morning, as the earth begins to change position and the days grow longer.

I do like it—but it is a different experience.

Soon the temperatures will increase, the ice and snow will be a memory, and Nikki and I will return to our regular walking route through town, in the light.

I will miss the Resort walks.  This place that gave us a way to walk outdoors all winter that was safe, well-lit, and usually the snow was shoveled so we didn’t have to worry about ice and snow.

We were sheltered from the occasional early morning winds.

The times I didn’t venture out were when the temperatures dipped below about 18 degrees.  That was a little too cold.

As the mornings transition from darkness to light, it will be a time of adjustment.  Soon I will love the warmer, brighter mornings.

But it may take a while to transition from being in my early morning cover of darkness to walking in the light.



Does any part of you wish winter would stay, or are you ready for spring?

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