Making My Own Kind of Music

christmas easter music boxes spring Mar 06, 2023
Grow Me A Story
Making My Own Kind of Music

By Paul Roberts

One of my earliest childhood memories has become one of my adulthood simple pleasures: my music box collection.

Actually, music boxes isn’t a very accurate description, since my collection includes a wide variety of figurines, sculptures, globes, and only a few boxes. But the memory of going into Mom and Dad’s bedroom at our house on 4th Street in Meridian to examine my mother’s modest jewelry collection, which she kept in the pink tinted soft leather musical box on her dresser, has clearly had an impact on me.

Last Friday Carol took down her collection of snowmen from the living room, and she mentioned that it was probably time to consider taking down my wintertime display above the brick mantelpiece that covers one wall in our dining room. I had already been looking at the more than 20 Christmas themed pieces and trying to decide what to replace them with. Apparently, holidays sell in the music box industry, because most of my collection is either Christmas or Easter themed. Often I feel like, even though March is kind of late for Christmas decor, that March can also seem a bit early for Easter eggs.

But looking outside this morning at the gently falling snowflakes that were adding to the 3 foot shoveled berm that surrounds the 4 inches of the white stuff still in my front yard, I decided if I couldn’t see spring coming outside, I was going to hear it coming inside. The rest of my springtime Easter collection can come out later, but for now, clowns and carnivals, balloons and bunting are going to reside on the mantel. And with a twist of my wrist, or the lift of a latch, I intend to close my eyes for just a few minutes a day and let my inner child listen to Spring arriving.  


Are you as anxious for spring weather as I am? Do you have things you do during these late winter days to put a little spring in your step? Share them with us.
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