
accomplishments meandering no deadlines reading relaxing Nov 08, 2023

By Carol Woolum Roberts

Yesterday was one of those meandering days.

I could meander through my day, with no deadlines.

Yes, I wanted to vote in our local election, but I had all day to achieve that task.

It was a day with no pressure. 

I leisurely completed tasks that needed to be done.

My dahlia bulbs are now wrapped in plastic wrap and stored in the garage.

The rest of the pumpkins have been roasted, and are waiting to be pureed, put in bags and frozen for later use.

I planned Thanksgiving week, starting with a family gathering for Paul’s birthday through our family Thanksgiving meal and beyond.

I read a book.

I read a book while I soaked in the bathtub.

I made a fire in the fireplace and kept it going most of the day.

Paul and I voted, ran some errands, and got some coffee.

My soul needed a day to meander. 

To slowly twist and turn throughout the day…..

ending the day pleasantly surprised at all that was accomplished.



If you could meander through a day, what kinds of things would you like to do?

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