Meridian Born

boise idaho meridian meridian elementary national poetry month prime meridian Apr 17, 2023

By Paul Roberts


We learned early on the importance

Of place, since


had the geographical sense to rename itself

from Hunter to Meridian, 

being smack dab 

on the meridian line itself.

And every kid at Meridian Elementary knew there was 

A Prime Meridian, which meant biggest, best, but

Not longest or shortest since 

they’re all the same length. But


think about this-

 if a meridian passes over a mountain range

Wouldn’t it be longer than one that 

Was drawn across the plains or the ocean? Maybe,

just maybe, with Mt. Borah to climb over,

our Boise meridian was just a bit longer 

than just a few others, which meant it was more important.


That’s what the sixth grader, with his thumbs in his belt loops

And his chin pointed upward, 

that tall boy, 

on the playground 

At Meridian elementary, 

told us third graders.  


Share some thoughts, prose or poetry, about the importance of place in your life.

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