Our father

national poetry month Apr 29, 2024

By Paul Roberts 

My final blog post for National Poetry Month 2024. Some days it feels like I grow more daring, more courageous, with each poem I dare to share. Then I am reminded…Who do I write for? Just me.


Our father 

who art in heaven

since the day you were taken 

so quickly and painfully away, I am left with

hollowed out memories of your name, your face, your voice.

They come into my world, my realm, 

sometimes coming when least expected,

sometimes against my will, 

to tempt me with thoughts of heaven,

leaving memories of our shared daily bread, 

debts I owe you,

forgiveness I know you

led me to with love. 

For I lived in your kingdom,

I felt safe and saved by your power,

I told the story of your name,

and wanted you to live



Any poetry to share with our community before the month comes to an end?

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