Paul's Christmas Carol...?

christmas shopping walmart wise men Dec 18, 2023

By Paul Roberts


‘Tis the week before Christmas and all through the house

Every present has been wrapped, but none for my spouse.

Family stockings are hung, making the fireplace jolly;

(Was I assigned Cosette, Zoe, or Molly?)

If I go out to Walmart will the aisles be hopping

As I race around doing this last minute shopping?

“Tis a conundrum I face every year,

Choosing a gift that will bring Christmas cheer.

Like the wise men who traveled with gifts from afar,

I wander and ponder, and wish that a star

Would shine down and point out my wife’s Christmas gift,

But I drive around aimless, my mind all adrift.

I hope to my wondering eyes will appear

A gift that reminds her I hold her so dear.

Wise men came with frankincense, bright gold and myrrh,

Is one of those gifts the very best one for her?

I know that she loves me, in all of my folly,

And each year, I am determined, by golly,

To try something new, and to make out a plan

And go shopping early, I can do it, I can.

And thus, seven days before Christmas this year,

I’m announcing to all who live far and live near

That for me, seven days is quite early, you see.

And tonight, Carol’s present will be under the tree.




Are you an early Christmas shopper? Or do you wait for last minute inspiration, like some people I know?

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