By Carol Woolum Roberts
(The above photo is Paul at five months old.)
Since it is Paul’s birthday today, and I am writing a blog post focused on living a creative life, I should show a bit of creativity.
I have decided to go waaaaay back, to the 1980’s, to a time when I met a guy in Kellogg, Idaho who would change the course of my life forever.
And when I met him, I wrote some poems for him. He wrote some poems for me.
Poetry came to both of us way back in the beginning of our relationship.
As a birthday present to you, Paul, I am going to share some of those early poems I wrote you and mailed to you across the miles.
I am sharing photos of these poems so you can see how I wrote them in a journal I kept in college of quotes and poems and things I wrote.
This first poem I wrote the night of our first kiss. We walked around our hometown of Kellogg, Idaho that night. I was going back to Moscow the next morning. He was heading back to Dillon, Montana where he attended college. It was the summer of 1982.
This second poem was written for his 23rd birthday. I was in Moscow. He was in Dillon. We wrote to one another quite often that year. It was the fall of 1982.
In 1984 I spent the summer working in California. Paul was in Kellogg. During this summer I knew I loved Paul and, if he ever asked me to marry him, I knew I would say “Yes”!! I wrote this poem while living in Arrowhead Springs and working for Campus Crusade for Christ.
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