Preparation and Faith

advent dreams faith new business online jargon pommerenian preparation Dec 08, 2021

By Carol Woolum Roberts

In the Christian calendar this is the second week of advent.  A week of preparation and faith.

I asked myself what have I been in preparation for and had faith in this past week?

I have been doing a lot of preparation for our “Grow Me A Story” business.  I often feel like my 16-year-old Pomeranian Sadie.  Sadie has cataracts, so she can’t see very well. Her hearing is bad.  But she does have an amazing sense of smell.  And she can feel her way through unfamiliar situations.

My journey into this online business world makes me feel a bit like Sadie.  I feel like my eyes are a bit cloudy because I am not sure what I am seeing and doing in this online world of email lists, integrations, pipelines, and automations.

What am I hearing?  Do I have good enough listening skills to hear people when they give suggestions to make this process better?  Or listen to the online advice of the “best” way to do things.

Like Sadie with her keen sense of smell, and ability to feel her way through unfamiliar situations, I also am becoming more aware of my surroundings.  I stop and take in the world around me.  I smell the crisp, fallen snow.  And I am also listening.  One thing I am listening to is that inner voice that tells me, “This is what you should be doing.”  “Don’t give up now”.  “This is going to be good”. 

I sit at the computer hour after hour trying to figure out why I can send emails, but people can’t have them sent back to me.  (Thank you, Outlook support, for fixing the problem.)

Why are 15 of the people on my email list not getting the emails delivered?  (Thank you Kajabi support for finding and fixing the problem.)

Does this form work correctly?  Do I have the the right automations for these emails to send out correctly?  What’s a pipeline again?  I need to make a landing page and use it as a lead magnet?  A what?

Through all this preparation you have to have faith in your dream.  You have to have faith in presenting this idea that you and your husband have been planning for since last summer to take hold and take off. 

I am not a seer, or a fortune teller or an omnipotent god.  I can’t read tea leaves.  I don’t know what comes next.  But I do have faith.

I know this is what Paul and I are supposed to be doing.  It is our dream.  We truly believe this dream has come from God and God has the power to accomplish this dream. We have taken a running jump off the cliff.  And soon we will be on our way down, hoping that net shows up somewhere before we land. 

Thank you for joining us as we freefall into our dream.

P.S.  Oh..I think all the forms do work now, and the links all work,  so our website is live.  Check us out by clicking on the links above.  Also, our membership window for our Sacred Community Garden Winter 2021 opens on Sunday.  I hope you will take a leap of faith and join with us. And that you have faith we will help you on your creative journey.  There is more information on the website here.



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