Putting On an Act

abby brewster arsenic and old lace jonathan brewster martha brewster sixth street melodrama and theater Oct 16, 2023

By Paul Roberts

In real life Jonathan Brewster would be a horribly frightening man: arrogant, demanding, self-centered, cruel. And that’s without even considering all the evil deeds done throughout his life. Truly a terrible fellow. My difficulty is figuring out how to become him on the stage for the next several weeks, and do so in a manner that is pleasurable for both me and the audience that comes to see Arsenic and Old Lace throughout the month of November.

Arsenic and Old Lace is a comedy. A farce. Full of characters that we are allowed to truly care about, while laughing at them at the same time. We should love Aunt Abby and Aunt Martha, who are, in my opinion, the two stars of the show. And if you come to see them on stage, I think you will love our two local actors, Naomi Medley and Mallorie Flynn, in those roles. Their nephew Jonathan describes them as “sweet, charming, hospitable…” and Naomi and Mallorie pull it off, even while dosing their elderberry wine with, among other things, “just a pinch of cyanide.” 

Jonathan is the villain, and so not like me that it is actually enjoyable to try and become him. Different voice, different movements and mannerisms, different…everything. But there is a line I cannot cross when putting on the role of Jonathan Brewster. If I were to meet him in real life, I would fear for my life. My fellow actors should almost believe that I am capable of dastardly deeds. It will help them be better actors, and it will help me if I am pushing the envelope into actual fear. However…my audience should laugh at me. Too much fear, not enough laughter, and I will miss the sweet spot that I am searching for, a spot where, for a couple of hours a night, the audience and I get to enjoy meeting up at the Brewster home in Brooklyn, New York, in September of 1941.

You’re invited to “suspend your disbelief” and stop in at the Sixth Street Theater during the first three weekends of November. Come and see how well our cast of fourteen individuals is able to come together as a team, an ensemble, for a night full of creativity and imagination. Will you really be afraid of Jonathan Brewster? Let’s get together and find out.


We are approaching the Halloween season. Do you let your imagination out on All Hallow’s Eve? 

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