The Adventurer

adobe adventurer creative energy mycreativetype quiz May 02, 2024

By Carol Woolum Roberts

This past week I was preparing to do a program called “Shooting for Creativity” for a group I am involved with, and I came across a fun quiz to take to find out what a person’s creative type might be.

It is a short, 15 question quiz with fun animations (it was created by Adobe) when you complete each question. If you get stuck on a question, just pick an answer and move on.

The website is

Go to the website and click on the Take The Test link.

Their home page has this to say about the quiz:

Everyone has a Creative Type. What’s yours?

The Creative Types test is an exploration of the many faces of the creative personality. Based on psychology research, the test assesses your basic habits and tendencies—how you think, how you act, how you see the world—to help you better understand who you are as a creative. Answer these 15 questions and you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, plus insight into how to maximize your natural gifts and face your challenges.

These personality types aren’t black-and-white labels. Think of them more as signposts pointing you toward your full creative potential. While there’s probably one core type that best describes you, you may change types at different points in your life and career, or even at different stages of the creative process. As a creative, you have a little bit of all eight Types inside you.

The different creative types are:

The Thinker, The Dreamer, The Adventurer, The Innovator, The Visionary, The Maker, The Producer, The Artist.

My quiz results said I am The Adventurer.

Here is what the description is:

The Adventurer

So much inspiration, so little time

Creative Strengths: High levels of creative energy, spirit of curiosity and play

Untapped Potential: Committing yourself to developing one particular skill or project.

Ideal Collaborator: The Artist

There’s no telling where the impassioned creative quest and endless curiosity of the ADVENTURER may lead. Fueled by high energy levels and boundless enthusiasm, you’re easily inspired—and more than willing to follow your fascinations wherever they take you. ADVENTURER types are passionate, expressive, multi-talented creative spirits with a natural ability to entertain and inspire. As an ADVENTURER, you’re never satisfied to just come up with ideas. Instead, you have an almost compulsive need to act on them. Your abundant energy fuels you in the pursuit of many interests, hobbies, areas of study, and artistic endeavors. You’re a fast learner, able to pick up new skills and juggle different projects and roles with relative ease. A true Renaissance person, you’re likely to develop expertise in a number of areas over the course of your life and career. You have a huge amount of energy that needs to be released on a regular basis. When your energy doesn’t have anywhere meaningful to go, you can easily become frustrated, aimless, and even depressed. Keep it moving! It’s critical to find fulfilling creative outlets—including ones that you commit to developing over time. A people-person with deep emotions and empathy, ADVENTURERs are natural storytellers and performers. You have a powerful ability to inspire and are at your best when you’re sharing your creative expressions with others. ADVENTURERs have mastered one of the most elusive and powerful secrets of creativity: the more freely you give of your talents for the benefit of others, the more you earn the divine favor of the Muses. Keep the inspiration in circulation, and it will come back to you tenfold. Seek out collaborations with ARTIST types to jointly explore new creative horizons. The ARTIST’s connection to the deeper sources of inspiration will inspire you to direct your adventurous spirit toward journeys of self-exploration.

This is pretty spot on.  I always have many different creative projects going at once, and often try something for a while, then move onto something else. This has been my life.

The other part that resonated with me was this section.

You have a huge amount of energy that needs to be released on a regular basis. When your energy doesn’t have anywhere meaningful to go, you can easily become frustrated, aimless, and even depressed. Keep it moving! It’s critical to find fulfilling creative outlets—including ones that you commit to developing over time.

There was a time in my life when this happened.  I didn’t have a way to release my creative energies. And, as I look back, one of the ways I was trying to release some of my creativity was being criticized and this added to the frustration. I was very depressed. For years. Later I was able to look back on this time in my life and realize part of the problem was my lack of a positive, ongoing creative outlet.

But through that hard time, I learned that I needed creative outlets. I need to have those creative energies released on an ongoing basis. People often ask me how I can have so many things going at once, and be so busy doing so many things.

Because that is how I was created. Now if your quiz result was The Thinker or perhaps The Dreamer, my creative, energetic ways are probably baffling to you. But I can't sit and be quiet quite as much as you need to be.

I am thankful that The Creator has created us to express our creativity in different ways, and we all do it in our own, unique way.

So, what are you waiting for….take the quiz!!





If you take the test, share with us your results.  Do you see yourself in the creative type that was revealed?


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