The Blessing of a Good Laugh Together

#confused #laughing #mixup #retired Apr 17, 2024

By Carol Woolum Roberts

This last Tuesday, I kept thinking it was Wednesday.

But throughout the day, I would catch myself and realize, “oh wait, it isn’t Wednesday. It is only Tuesday.”

At one point, I kept checking the bank account, because there should have been some money deposited into the account, and it had not happened that morning. 

“Paul, can you look on the website and see if you can see what is wrong?”

He hadn’t been on this particular website for about two years, so it took a lot of trial and error to get there.  He started trying to get into the site at about 4 p.m.  He finally got in around 8 p.m. (Granted, this was not a continuous four hour process, but it took some time!!)

“I finally got in.  Everything looks good.  It says the money should be deposited on Wednesday.”

(Just like always.  Deposited on Wednesday morning.)

My reply:  “Oh, I thought today was Wednesday.”

“You mean I spent all the time trying to get into this website because you had the day wrong?”


We both laughed so hard, we were crying!

That is what happens when you are retired folks. And hopelessly in love with one another.

What a precious laugh we had together.



Have you had something happen recently that you could have sworn was one way when it was another?  I hope you got a good laugh from it.


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