The Creator Connection: Ask, Seek, Knock

ask creativity cultivating knock seek the creator Jun 27, 2022

 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 7: 7-8; New King James Version

“The primary imagination I hold to be the Living Power.” Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me.” William Blake

“Why indeed must “God” be a noun? Why not a verb…the most dynamic and active of all?” Mary Daly

“The position of the artist is humble. He is essentially a channel.” Piet Mondrian

“God must become an activity in our consciousness.” Joel S. Goldsmith

“Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow, grow.’ “ The Talmud

“What we play is life.” Louis Armstrong

“I paint not by sight but by faith. Faith gives you sight.” Amos Ferguson

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.


I spent the last three days, from 10:10 am Friday morning to 10:10 am Monday morning, taking time to connect with my Creator. A rather random, meaningless amount of time to engage in a very intentional purpose.

The amount of time was bound by the parameters of the Grow Me a Story publishing deadlines. That was the only reason for framing my task of asking, seeking, and knocking within those time constraints. But those time constraints gave life, gave urgency to my days. I found myself searching more for…what, exactly?

One source for quotes I listed above is the Julia Cameron book The Artist’s Way. After three days of asking, seeking, and knocking, searching for a closer connection to the Creator, one that would lead to a closer connection to those in the world around me, it has been fascinating to recognize that one way (the best way?) to connect with the Creator is to connect with other human beings, even if it is just through the medium of the written word. The written word happens to be one of the areas of creativity that brings me the most pleasure, regardless of whether they are my words or they belong to someone else. I am a better human being because someone, at some point, put words on a page. I have a desire to be used in that same manner.

Over the last three days I was thrilled by the number of word images planted in my mind. They kept rushing in, and someday I may share some of them. If I was the source of those ideas, I’d be worried about trying to record them all before they disappear, fading  from my puny memory. At this moment, I believe the source of those ideas lies somewhere outside of me. I’ll strive to be a good steward of the gifts the Creator shares with me, but they belong to the Creator. I like that thought.

I like this picture, this story, that came to mind at some point in the last three days as I tried to understand “seeking” for the Creator:

"Carol and I have a large house. With a big backyard. And a big front yard. You really have to experience it sometime.

I like knowing where Carol is at. All the time. Every moment of the day. But there are times when I can’t find her. I go out the back door and look, but she isn’t there. I head for the front door, open it, look around, and she isn’t there either. I check her office…no sign. Garage? Nope. But the car is still here. Did she head for the basement? No sign of her there. Retrace steps. She’s probably moving, and I missed her. You can’t see the entire backyard from the back door. I’d better walk around the perimeter of the house. I’d better walk faster…or switch directions."

At this point in this analogy, am I God looking for Eve in the garden? 

Sometimes I act as if she is like God and doesn’t want me to find her.  But God wouldn’t do that…would He? Is He hiding from me like Carol does?

One time, after who knows how much searching, I made the discovery that she had been in the vegetable garden the whole time, bent over, tending to her seedlings. She had been close by the whole time. If I had simply called for her, I would have found her.

Three days of asking, seeking, knocking has left me full and hungry, both at the same time. Take some time today, or this week, or month, or year, or life,  to make your Creator Connection intentional. 


“Why should we all use our creative power…? Because there is nothing that makes people so generous, joyful, lively, bold and compassionate, so indifferent to fighting and the accumulation of objects and money.” Brenda Ueland


Where do you go when you want to connect with your Creator?

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