The Sunflower Spot

bright and sunny purge sunflowers Feb 08, 2024


By Carol Woolum Roberts

When people find out one of my favorite flowers is a sunflower, they tend to give me items with sunflowers on them.  I love it!

As I started purging my office in preparation for the wedding of my daughter Cosette, I found many sunflower items with no home.

Another purge project was to clean up and organize a spot in my home between the kitchen and laundry room. This area was one of those catch-all spaces in the house that need sorted, cleared out and rearranged. Once that was done, there was a table in the corner whose purpose had not been identified.

I combined the sunflowers items with no home with the table with no purpose, and created

The Sunflower Spot.

That table was like a blank canvas that need some creativity thrown at it.

Within an hour or so, The Sunflower Spot was created, using sunflower items I have acquired over the years.

What a sunny, bright and cheery space to cheer me up on these rainy, gray days we have been experiencing. (My least favorite weather in winter.)

I love the saying on the rug on the floor. It sums up one of the reasons I love the sunflower and what it represents.

Advice from a SUNFLOWER.

Be Bright, Sunny and Positive.

Spread Seeds of


Rise and Shine and

Hold Your Head


Go out today and

Be A Sunflower!!


Do you have a favorite flower that brightens your day?


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