The Theater

arsenic and old lace opening night sixth street melodrama and theater Oct 30, 2023

By Paul Roberts

It's the week of opening night for Arsenic and Old Lace. We're celebrating the 40th year of live performances at the Sixth Street Theater. I'll be studying lines most of the day, but thought I'd take a moment to write some verse instead of rehearse.

The Theater

The theater, the theater, I love to see a show

I know of no place swee-ater that I would like to go.


I met a man, he said to me, “I love a tale of woe,

A tale that’s told especially to me in my front row.

The actors seem so real and true while under those bright lights

The tears they shed are always new, they take me to new heights.”


Then that same man, he said to me, “I love a tale of joy,

A tale that’s full of comedy told to the hoi polloi.

We sit and laugh together at the actors on the stage;

Our laughter makes them better as they bring life to each page.”


He told me such a story of this place he held so dear

That I sought some oratory at a theater near here.

And I discovered that the man had been so clearly right

That now I call myself a fan of theater every night.


The theater, the theater, I love to see a show.

I know of no place swee-ater that I would like to go.



Imagine you're going out for some entertainment. Your choices: a sporting event, a musical concert, or a stage play. Which would you choose, and why?

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