What Will I See in 2023?

peter enns proverbs 29:18 sacred communitry garden transparency vision board Jan 09, 2023

By Paul Roberts

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18

In his book “How the Bible Actually Works” author Peter Enns talks at great length about the “ancient, ambiguous, diverse book” which leads us to wisdom “rather than answers.” After getting a taste of putting together a vision board last Saturday, I’d love to hear what Pete Enns has to say about this Old Testament verse.

I mentioned in my newsletter post yesterday how much I appreciated the time I spent with our Sacred Community Garden members on Saturday last week as they shared about the work they have done on a vision board for the year. I am also appreciating the conversation I had with Carol in the week before the meeting about what our plans were for helping our members - and by that I mean me - wrap our brains around the process and value of the vision board project. Carol was able to help me not feel too intimidated, or feel like I was risking being too transparent by doing a vision board for the year. To do it privately for myself is one thing (and a way to not be committed to the vision), but to do it in some kind of public forum and share it with a group of people is, in this introverted mind of mine, risky.

I left the meeting with a page full of notes and a brain full of images, none of which I have shared with anyone yet…because it would commit me to something…for a whole year.

Our SCG members come to us for encouragement, for ideas, for support - the New Testament uses the word “edification” - and I’m not sure in the last year I have specifically asked for our members support in return. Because, again, that would mean being transparent. And that scares me. 

The vision board is a great idea. I’ll see y’all on the 21st at our Zoom Creator’s Studio where I (gulp) will share my ideas. In the meantime, let’s support one another in the process, and throughout the year.


Have you chosen a word, phrase or color for 2023? Share with our group. I need some ideas to consider!

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