Winter Is Swirling

#90daysofautumnawareness first snow for the beauty Nov 07, 2022

By Paul Roberts

I’ve been wanting to get back into the rhythm of daily posts for our #90daysofautumnawareness. The snow falling this morning (Cleo and I saw it first at about 3 a.m.) prompted my first Instagram post in several weeks, which then led to a desire to play with some more poetry for my blog. Enjoy!


Fall’s still here, but winter is swirling through the skies

Like someone hurling sand in the wind.

Snow is curling

Onto the stoop.


Crisp fall leaves that crunch underfoot are buried beneath

Frozen flakes like soot in the fireplace.

Every root

Shivers and rests.


Early fall chores will have to wait their turn until

Wind and snow abate and the sun’s rays

Exert their weight

On frigid ground.


Songs silent in the snowy trees, feathers puffed

For warmth, chickadees chores also wait

Until the freeze

Ends to flitter.


Some see this as Nature’s grumbling and fall in step

An ill mood tumbling with dire words and

Incessant mumbling

Pour from the soul.


That weary choice man understands, yet strives to speak

In voice that commands believing hearts

And loving hands

Live out the hymn...

For the beauty

Of the earth, for the glory

Of the skies, for the love

Which from our birth over and around us lies

Lord of all, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.


We’ve made it to November, and our first real snow is here. Is it too early to start the Christmas carols?

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